Financial Aid
Learn more about scholarship and aid options
In fulfilling its mission to thoroughly prepare followers of Jesus Christ to serve as pastors, missionaries, educators and lay-leaders, we recognize that the rewards for such service are eternal not financial. Therefore, we seek to minimize the cost to students, keeping tuition rates between 25% to 30% of the true cost of their education. The remainder is made up via the support of God’s people, from one-time, regular to lasting gifts. There are a variety of ways that you can support this ministry.
Giving a gift online (credit, debit, or e-check) or via check mailed to VBTS can make an immediate impact in this ministry today! You can also set up for regular monthly or quarterly gifts with no recurring effort and the ability to cancel at any time.
VBTS has received a generous, $100,000, Matching Gift for the Keith H. Davey Military Scholarship. This gift will be available for use as soon as matching gifts are received totaling $100,000.
This scholarship was created in honor of the late Keith H. Davey, the founder of the Missions To Military organization, who had a passion to reach the world, and especially the military, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This scholarship will help prepare those who have served our country in the military to become chaplains, pastors, missionaries, and lay-leaders.
For those over age 70½ with an IRA (or a 401[k] that you could roll over to an IRA) you can make a gift from your IRA to VBTS and potentially save on your taxes. Gifts to VBTS also qualify for age 72+ Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), which could mitigate the increased taxes often associated with RMDs. Limitations may apply so consult your tax advisor about making an IRA charitable gift. VBTS’s TIN is 54-1776238.
Gifts of stock or other financial instruments can immediately impact the work of VBTS and may quality for tax benefits. Limitations may apply so consult your tax advisor. For brokerage account transfer form, please contact Tony Brazas at 757-479-3706 or .
A final gift of love—a lasting legacy. There are a variety of avenues to leave a charitable gift and make an impact for the furtherance of the gospel. Give the gift that keeps on giving!