Scott Bashoor
Associate Professor of Old Testament
Prior to coming to VBTS, Professor Bashoor served as a pastor for 25 years and an adjunct seminary professor for over 20 years. In 1999 he became the pastor of Bible Church of Buena Park in Orange County, California, and in 2018 he led his congregation into a merger which became Community Bible Church where he co-pastored until his arrival at VBTS. In 2001 he began teaching Old Testament language and literature courses at The Master's Seminary (Los Angeles), and in 2013 he began leading online Bible courses for The Master's University (Santa Clarita, CA). He has taught over 15 different graduate and undergraduate courses focusing mostly on Old Testament as well as Bible exposition. His scholarly and professional interests include Hebrew, Aramaic, the Psalms, cultural backgrounds, the history of Israel, hermeneutics, Bible exposition, and expository preaching.
He has written short articles on preaching, pastoral ministry, and biblical interpretation for various journals and magazines, has contributed to the Lexham Bible Dictionary, and has published the book Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament (B&H Academic Digital, 2016; revised and expanded, SCS Press, 2020). He has been a member of the Evangelical Theological Society since 2002. Since 2013 he has been a returning speaker and lecturer for the College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji (CTEF) and the associated Fellowship of Bible Churches Fiji.
He and his wife, Heidi, live in Chesapeake with their two daughters.
Hebrew Exegetical Method 2 equips the students for the exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures. It introduces a methodology for exegetical research, and majors on lexical, contextual, diagrammatical, and text critical analysis. Read more....
PhD, The Master's Seminary (in process)
ThM, The Master's Seminary
MDiv, The Master's Seminary
BA, Bob Jones University
Full-Time Faculty, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, 2024–present
Pastor, Community Bible Church, 1999–2024
Faculty Associate, The Master's Seminary, 2001–2024
Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament, revised & expanded edition, SCS Press, 2020.
“Acts: Its Purpose and Structure,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 98:6 (Nov 2019), 20-21.
“Focus on First John,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 98:5 (Sept 2018), 29-30.
“Focus on Isaiah 52:13-53:12,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 97:2 (Mar 2018), 29-30.
“Focus on Titus,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 96:6 (Nov 2017), 29-30.
“Focus on 2 Timothy,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 96:5 (Sept 2017), 29-30.
“Focus on 1 Timothy,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 96:2 (May 2017), 20-21.
“Philippians Book Summary,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 96:3 (Mar 2017), 20-21.
“Hebrews 13:8 and the Sameness of Jesus Christ: An Evaluation of Approaches and a Preferred Solution (part 1),” in South Pacific Journal of Biblical Studies 1:10 (June 2015), 20-27.
“Christian Citizenry and the Politics of Love,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 92:4 (July 2013), 9-10.
“The Pastor’s Monday Morning Blues,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 90:4 (July 2011), 34-36.
“The Cultural Significance of Shame in the Bible,” in Voice: An Independent Church Journal 86:6 (Nov 2007), 30-32.
“We Interrupt This Series” in “How I Find My Next Series” (with other contributors) in Leadership Journal 24:1 (Feb 2002), 42.
“Shebna,” in Lexham Bible Dictionary, edited by J. D. Barry et al. (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), s.v..
“’Let Me Not be Ashamed’: The Cultural Significance of Shame in the Old Testament World.” A paper presented at the Far-West Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Los Angeles, CA, 2003.
“’Let Me Not Be Ashamed’: Divine Protection from Shame in Psalm 25.” Unpublished Th.M thesis. The Master’s Seminary (Sun Valley, CA) 2002.
“’Not Ashamed of the Gospel’: Paul’s Preaching of the Cross in a Shame-Sensitive Culture.” Unpublished M.Div. thesis. The Master’s Seminary (Sun Valley, CA) 1998.
Having pastored the same congregation for 25 years, Prof Bashoor has preached and taught detailed expositional series through numerous biblical books including Genesis, Samuel, Psalms, Proverbs (1/3), Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jonah, the Sermon on the Mount, Mark, Philippians, all of the Pastoral Epistles, all of the General Epistles, Revelation, and a 5 year survey level overview of the whole Bible.