
Eric J. Lehner

Academic Dean | Professor of Theology

Office: 757-479-3706

Eric J. Lehner is the Academic Dean and Professor of Theology at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has taught at VBTS since 2005 in a variety of roles as Graduate Assistant, Assistant and Associate Professor of Historical Theology, and Professor of Theology.

Prior to coming to Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, Dr. Lehner taught at the Hungarian Baptist Theological Seminary of Cluj, Romania, and served as assistant pastor in Ohio. In addition, he has taught Bible and theology classes in Russia, the Ukraine, and southeast Asia. He has overseen the VBTS faculty as Academic Dean since 2008.

Dr. Lehner’s area of specialization is Jonathan Edwards. His recent work focuses on Edwards's writings associated with the Great Awakening. Dr. Lehner is also well-versed in the field of apologetics, and his apologetics class at VBTS is a popular one. He is also a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dr. Lehner and his wife, Anna, have two children and reside in Chesapeake, Virginia. 

Apologetics is an introduction to the theological discipline of defending the Christian faith. It will address the theological justification for apologetics, the necessity of engaging the discipline on the epistemological level, and the utility of the discipline for the gospel ministry. Read more....

Christ & Culture is a study of ideological, philosophical, ethical, and theological issues concerning the intersection of the church and contemporary Western culture. Read more....

Christ & Salvation is an introduction to the biblical doctrine of the person and work of Christ, and the biblical doctrine of salvation. Read more.... 

Early & Medieval Christianity is a survey of church history beginning with the era of the church fathers (ca. 100) and concluding with the decline of the papacy prior to the influence of Luther (ca. 1500).   This course also includes an introduction to historiography. Read more....

Philosophy in the Service of Theology is a research seminar dedicated to special issues concerning the relationships between the disciplines of apologetics, philosophy, and systematic theology. Read more....

Readings in Cornelius Van Til is dedicated to reading the works Van Til and the interpretation of his unique methodology in theology and apologetics. Read more....

Readings in Soteriology is a research seminar dedicated to special issues concerning the biblical doctrine of salvation. Read more....

Readings in Theodicy is a study of issues related to “the problem of evil” as discussed within the sphere of systematic theology and apologetics. Read more....

Theological Method, God, & Scripture will help the student demonstrate comprehension of the scope and function of theological method as it applies to the practice of formulating theological expressions, and competently discuss core doctrinal beliefs such as the existence of God, the Trinity, and the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture, all in terms that reflect the evidence of Scripture. Read more....


2017. The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia. Edited by Harry S. Stout. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. S.vv. “Religion,” “Faithful Narrative,” and “Melancholy.” Buy

2016. Marks of Saving Grace: Theological Method and the Doctrine of Assurance in Jonathan Edwards’s “A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections.” Reformed Academic Dissertations. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2016. Buy

2013. Review of The Creedal Imperative, by Carl R. Trueman. The Master’s Seminary Journal 24, no. 2 (Fall): 278–80.

2012. “Jonathan Edwards’s Application of Theological Method to His Doctrine of Assurance in A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections.” PhD diss., Baptist Bible Seminary.

2005. “An Examination of Circular Reasoning in Presuppositional Apologetics.” ThM thesis, Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Virginia Beach.