Brent A. Belford
Faculty Associate,
Pastoral Studies
Office: 757-479-0755
Dr. Belford started teaching at VBTS shortly after moving to Virginia Beach in 2016 to serve as the Senior Pastor of Colonial Baptist Church. As a former seminary professor and administrator, Dr. Belford brings together the classroom and the church in the Pastoral Ministry courses he teaches at VBTS. His area of specialization is in the use of Scriptural citations in Pauline literature.
Before coming to Virginia Beach in 2016, Dr. Belford served as the Provost at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis. He also spent many years at Northland International University (Dunbar, WI) as a New Testament professor and the Director of the Graduate School. His church ministry experience includes his roles in pastoral ministry at Cross Lanes Bible Church in Cross Lanes, WV and Norway Baptist Church in Norway, MI.
Dr. Belford enjoys preaching and teaching God's Word, spending time with his wife Carissa and five children, playing golf, and cheering for sports teams from Pittsburgh, PA.
Pastoral Practice helps the student understand both the theology and practice of pastoral ministry. This course explores the pastor’s relationship to God, his family, the church, and unbelievers through course discussion and assigned reading and writing. Read more....
Principles of Expository Preaching incorporates both the principles and practicum elements of training in expository preaching. This class has as its end goal the refining of the MDiv student’s understanding of preaching for the context of the local church pulpit. Read more....
Preaching OT & NT Narrative focuses on preaching from OT and NT narrative texts with special emphasis on how sound exegesis informs exposition. Special attention will be given to select OT and NT narrative sections, including discussion of each section’s predominant message and how to use biblical theology in narrative sermons. Read more....
PhD, Ridley College
DMin, Northland Graduate School
MDiv, Faith Baptist Theological Seminary
MA, Northland Graduate School
BA, Northland International University
Faculty Associate, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, 2018–present
Senior Pastor, Colonial Baptist Church, 2016–present
Provost, Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis, 2013–16
Assistant Pastor, Norway Baptist Church (Norway, MI), 2004–13
Director of Graduate School, Northland International University (Dunbar, WI), 2002–13
Assistant Pastor, Cross Lanes Bible Church (Cross Lanes, WV), 1999–2002
2016. Review of Composite Citations in Antiquity. Edited by Sean A. Adams and Seth M. Ehorn. Vol. 1, Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and Early Christian Uses. The Master’s Seminary Journal 27, no. 1 (Spring): 98–102.
2016. “Exploring Paul’s Literary Style: Composite Citations of Isaiah 27 and 59 in Rom 11:26–27 and CD 5:12–17.” Paper presented at the 68th National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, San Antonio, November 15.
2014. Review of 1 Corinthians, by Mark Taylor. Themelios 39, no. 2 (August): 332–33.
2013. “Paul’s Pastoral Use of the Scriptures in 1 Corinthians.” William Rice Lecture Series, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, March 20.
2013. “Paul’s Pastoral Use of the Scriptures in 1 Corinthians: A Guide for Pastors as They Minister the Scriptures to Their Congregations.” DMin final project, Northland Graduate School.
2013. “Who Understands God’s Mind? Paul’s Use of Isaiah 40:13 in Romans 11:34 and 1 Corinthians 2:16.” Paper presented at the Midwestern Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Lincoln, NE.
2013. Review of Women, Slaves, and the Gender Debate: A Complementarian Response to the Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic, by Benjamin Reaoch. Themelios 38, no. 2 (July): 285–86.
2012. “Christ’s Enemies under His Feet: Was Paul’s Use of Psalm 110 in 1 Corinthians 15:25 Consistent with Its Original Meaning?” Bible Faculty Leadership Summit, Northland International University.
2012. “Paul’s Use of the Law in 1 Corinthians 5.” Paper presented at the Midwestern Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Chicago.