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This course will address issues primarily related to marriage and family matters. The course will begin by examining the biblical foundations of the home as an institution designed by God. Among other things, it will discuss and biblically engage the following concepts: a theology of marriage, biblical convictions for the home, biblical roles within the home, Christ-like communication, the basics of biblical parenting, and common counseling issues related to marriage and family concerns. Note: This course has a required prerequisite - Introduction to Biblical Counseling.
As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to: a) teach and counsel a theology of marriage using key biblical passages; b) construct his/her own biblical convictions for the home; c) outline the roles of husbands and wives with a view toward counseling strategies; d) recognize the basic principles underlying authentic (i.e., biblical) parenting; e) understand and teach the principles of Christ-like communication; and f) design creative homework assignments for common family-related issues.
Dr. Roger DePriest serves as the Faculty Associate in Biblical Counseling at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary; Dr. DePriest has taught in an adjunct role for the seminary since 2000. He is the Executive Director of Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry, an ordained Baptist minister, and a Level 2 certified ACBC counselor. Dr. DePriest earned his academic degrees at Cedarville University (BA), Talbot Theological Seminary (MA), and Clark Summit University (PhD). Read more....
Dr. DePriest can be contacted at
25% – Course Reading (1500 pages)
20% – Class Participation/Summaries
20% – Written Exercises (#1: Homework Worksheets; #2: Reading Worksheets)
35% – Research Paper (10–12 pages)