Thomas K. Dailey
Professor of New Testament
Office: 757-479-3706
Thomas K. Dailey is the Professor of New Testament and program director at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has served at VBTS since 1999 in various roles as Instructor of New Testament, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology and Exegesis, Associate Professor of New Testament, and Professor of New Testament.
Prior to his arrival at VBTS, Thomas taught at the Hungarian Baptist Theological Seminary of Cluj, Romania, and at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. He also has served in various ministry roles at Colonial Baptist Church of Virginia Beach, including as director of singles’ ministry and as youth pastor.
Thomas’s areas of specialization include Greek grammar and syntax as well as systematic theology. His Ph.D. dissertation involves the analyzation of conditional clauses in the Greek testament.
Thomas and his wife, Brenda, have four daughters and reside in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Thomas says of his work at VBTS: “It is an incredible joy teaching at VBTS, if for no other reason than the fact that God is taking men who have come down a similar path that I have and is launching them into ministry for Jesus. My role is to take the few years they entrust to me (read: tremendous weight of obligation!) and to train them to think biblically—connecting exegetical precision with theological clarity.”
Exegesis in the Synoptic Gospels is designed to acquaint the student with the distinct character of the first three Gospels. The primary emphasis in the course will involve working through the Greek text of Mark’s gospel in order to establish a foundational presentation of Jesus’ life and teaching. Read more....
Greek Grammar 1 & 2 is taught over two semesters. The first semester is intended for those who have had no previous study (or those who need an extensive review) of Koine Greek. The course introduces students to basic Greek morphology, diagnostics needed to recognize the semantic value of inflected forms, and elementary translation of the Greek NT. The second semester continues to develop the student’s ability to recognize Greek morphology with particular reference to the verbal system. Students will also continue their development of semantics, grammar, and the process of translating the Greek NT. Read more....
Greek Exegetical Method 1 & 2 focuses (in the first semester) on two major elements of the exegetical process: textual criticism and syntax. The second semester takes students through the exegetical process working from the initial steps of confirming the limits of a passage and establishing the text to the final steps of providing a polished translation and producing an exegetical paper. Read more....
Hermeneutical Systems examines the foundational principles that distinguish dispensational and nondispensational hermeneutics. It is taught from a dispensational perspective and will focus on how hermeneutical principles from various nondispensational systems interact (or conflict) with dispensational systems. Read more....
New Testament Introduction investigates the formation and content of the NT. Formational items are background features that impact the manner in which the authors lived, what they believed, and how they wrote. In effect, the class will assess how historical, cultural, religious, and linguistic features influence the composition of the NT. Read more....
Exegesis of Thessalonians is an investigation of Paul’s Letters to the Thessalonian church based on the Greek text. The course is designed to uncover the meaning of each letter by working through both its structure and argument as they are set forth in their original language.
PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary
ThM, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary
MDiv, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
BA, Pensacola Christian College
Full-Time Faculty, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, 1999–present
Director of Singles' Ministry, Colonial Baptist Church (Virginia Beach, VA), 2007–08
Professor, Hungarian Baptist Theological Seminary (Clug, Romania), 1996–97
Instructor in Bible, Pensacola Christian College (Pensacola, FL), 1994
Youth Pastor, Colonial Baptist Church (Virginia Beach, VA), 1989
2023. A Daily Greek Devotional: 365 Devotions on the Greek New Testament, edited by Jared M. August [Thomas K. Dailey contributing]. Bennington, VT: NEBP Academic.
2002. “An Examination of the Davidic Covenant in Progressive Dispensationalism.” ThM thesis, Virginia Beach Theological Seminary.