From the President...
“Dr. Bob,” as we affectionately called Robert Tomenendal, was the Director of Institutional Effectiveness for Virginia Beach Theological Seminary since the Fall of 2008. This past week, God took him “home” after an acute seven-month-battle with cancer. He will be greatly missed by the VBTS community. He was a gifted man with multi-faceted accomplishments: from receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross as a heroic Navy pilot to receiving his Doctorate in Education from Virginia Tech. He is known by us for his tenacious but gracious commitment to making VBTS a model among accredited seminaries, his love for classical music, his sense of humor (he loved to laugh!), and his avaricious appetite for the Word of God. I have thanked his wife, Dorie, many times over these past years for allowing Dr. Bob to be a part of my administrative team. Her response was always the same; “He loves the seminary!”
So, for all the hundreds of hours of ministry and hard work, the VBTS family thanks Dr. Bob and his family for his incalculable investment in “sharpening servants for global ministry.” Though we will miss our beloved accreditation leader, we are assured by his outstanding testimony for Jesus Christ that he is now with his Savior.