Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Spring 2021 | Select Fridays 10:45am–12:45pm
3 credit hours (MDiv) | 4 credit hours (ThM)
Readings in Theodicy is a research seminar dedicated to the reading and analysis of issues related to the "problem of evil." As a result of reading, research, writing, presentation, peer-review, and class discussion, the student will be able to: a) summarize the historical and contemporary contexts of the problem of evil; b) evaluate the problem of evil in view of questions pertaining to human will and divine sovereignty; c) formulate a biblical response to the problem of evil; and d) articulate a pastoral approach to the problem of evil.
Prerequisites: enrollment in MTS, MDiv, or ThM program; completion of Theological Method, God, & Scripture.
Dr. Eric Lehner is the Academic Dean and Professor of Theology at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has taught at VBTS since 2005 in a variety of roles as Graduate Assistant, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, and Associate Professor of Historical Theology. Dr. Lehner earned his academic degrees at Tennessee Temple (BA), Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), Virginia Beach Theological Seminary (ThM), and Clark Summit University (PhD). Read more....
Dr. Lehner can be contacted at
50% – Reading (Approx. 1800 pages)
50% – Research Presentations (4)