Experience the classroom at VBTS.
In Principles of Expository Preaching, students will be introduced to the value and methods of expositional preaching. Special focus will be given to preaching the text of scripture with accuracy and clarity in a way that is consistent with the genre of the sermonic passage. As a result of reading, research, writing, presentation, peer-review, and class discussion, the student will be able to a) interpret texts consistently with appropriate attention given to genre characteristics; b) identify marks of good expository preaching among contemporary preachers; and c) produce expository sermons from narrative, poetry, and discourse texts. 3 credit hours.
Dr. Brent Belford serves as the Faculty Associate of Pastoral Studies at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of Colonial Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA. As a former seminary professor and administrator, Dr. Belford brings together the classroom and the church in the Pastoral Ministry courses he teaches at VBTS. Dr. Belford earned his academic degrees at Northland International University (BA, MA, DMin), Faith Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Ridley College (PhD). Read more....
Dr. Belford can be contacted at .
40% – Required Reading
10% – Watch and Review Lectures on Hermeneutics & Homiletics
40% – Sermons (2)
10% – Class Attendance/Participation