Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Mon 1–5pm / Tues–Thurs 8am–5pm / Fri 8am–12pm
This course focuses on preaching from OT and NT narrative texts with special emphasis on how sound exegesis informs exposition. Special attention will be given to select OT and NT narrative sections, including discussion of each section’s predominant message and how to use biblical theology in narrative sermons.
As a result of reading, research, writing, presentation, peer-review, and class discussion, the student will be able to 1) determine the main propositional truth(s) of OT and NT narratives; 2) prepare a coherent speaking outline that follows the contours of an OT or NT narrative; 3) preach sermons on OT and NT narrative texts with clarity and conviction; and 4) articulate proper exegetical practices for narratival texts.
4 credit hours.
Dr. Brent Belford serves as the Faculty Associate of Pastoral Studies at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He is the Senior Pastor of Colonial Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA, where he has served since 2016. As a former seminary professor and administrator, Dr. Belford brings together the classroom and the church in the Pastoral Ministry courses he teaches at VBTS. Dr. Belford earned his academic degrees at Northland International University (BA, MA, DMin), Faith Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Ridley College (PhD). Read more....
Dr. Belford can be contacted at .
Listen to Dr. Belford's Sermons
Dr. Sam Horn was recently elected the new president of The Master's University and Seminary, where he will begin serving this summer. Until then, he will remain in his position as Dean of the School of Religion and Seminary at Bob Jones University, where he has worked since 2015. Sam has served in both academic and pastoral roles throughout his ministry. While a professor in the Bible departments at BJU, then Northland International University in Wisconsin, and most recently at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minnesota, Sam gained extensive experience in local church ministry, serving as youth pastor, associate pastor and senior pastor. Dr. Horn earned his academic degrees at Bob Jones University (BA, MA, PhD) and The Master's Seminary (DMin).
Dr. Horn can be contacted at
30% – Required Reading
15% – Evaluation of Contemporary Preachers
20% – Inductive Sermon Manuscript
30% – Sermon (Notes, In-class Preaching)
5% – In-class Participation