Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Spring 2021 | Tuesdays 9:00–11:00am | 3 credit hours
MTS Seminar is the capstone course of the Master of Theological Studies degree. The purpose of this course is to (1) review and consolidate skills across the spectrum of disciplines within the MTS program, (2) assess student competencies on the programmatic level, and (3) position the student to articulate and defend a comprehensive statement of the major doctrines of Scripture.
As a result of taking MTS Seminar, the student will be able to demonstrate skills in the areas of Old Testament, New Testament, Ministry, and Theology.
Old Testament: As a result of the Hebrew and Old Testament portion of MTS Seminar, the student will (1) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to describe OT introductory issues which impact OT exegesis and theology, and (2) develop an awareness of his ability to utilize the Hebrew language and exegetical skills (if Hebrew was the MTS student's language of choice).
New Testament: As a result of Greek and New Testament portion of the MTS Seminar, the student will: (1) demonstrate his ability to recall and utilize Greek language skills in the translation of the Greek NT (if Greek was the MTS student's language of choice); (2) demonstrate his ability to evaluate and suggest hermeneutical principles essential for NT study and theological formulation; and (3) demonstrate his ability to articulate first century religious, social, and political circumstances that form the background to the NT.
Ministry: As a result of the Ministry portion of the MTS Seminar, the student will (1) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to communicate the gospel message with clarity in both a personal evangelism context or in a public proclamation context, (2) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to craft a relevant and accessible homiletical structure from the fruit of exegetical study, (3) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to explain, defend, and practice the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture to address any spiritual need in man, (4) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to analyze specific cultures, both domestic and internationally, as well as developing an appropriate plan for a missional entrance, (5) develop an awareness of the degree to which he is able to discharge the various roles of the pastoral ministry in the context of the local church.
Theology: As a result of the Theology portion of the MTS Seminar, the student will (1) synthesize learning from previous courses in systematic theology, church history, and hermeneutics; (2) formulate a comprehensive theological statement that is grounded in Scripture, clear in expression, consistent in terms of method and hermeneutic, and conversant with the history of Christian doctrine; and (3) present the theological statement orally in a manner that is clear and persuasive.
Dr. Eric Lehner leads the entire Virginia Beach Theological Seminary faculty in assessing student competencies across the spectrum of disciplines within the MTS program. The students will meet different professors on a weekly basis, depending on which discipline is being assessed.
For further questions, contact Dr. Eric Lehner at
25% – OT Oral Exam
25% – NT Oral Exam
25% – Ministry Oral Exam
25% – Theology Statement and Defense
There are no required texts for this class.