Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Mission and Evangelism is a class that will propel you as a seminary student to take all the resources and tools you are amassing and focus them on one purpose for the rest of your life—making disciples from your neighborhoods to the nations (Matthew 28:18-20).
The Great Commission is clear:
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to
go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them
and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt 28:16-20, NIV)
The first two days of this class will assist you in evaluating key aspects of the important directives of evangelism and discipleship both personally and in the context of the local church.
The final three days of the course are dedicated to the mission portion of this class, which will help you develop a biblical theology of mission, expose you to contemporary issues in cross-cultural ministry, and assist you in evaluating various models and strategies for fulfilling the church’s biblically mandated mission.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to:
1. Actively and knowledgeably participate in discussions about evangelism, discipleship, and mission. The student will demonstrate his engagement in participatory learning through his/her contribution to in-class discussions as well as the online discussion forums.
2. Recognize and recommend key literature pertinent to personal evangelism and global mission. The student will gain this knowledge through required textbook reading and directed personal research.
3. Elucidate your personal philosophy of evangelism and discipleship. This paper will provide the student with an awareness of areas of focus in the realm of evangelism and
4. Interact with prominent models or methods of contemporary mission practice. The student will identify, evaluate, and make recommendations for two models or methods of cross-cultural ministry based on how they accomplish the mission of the New Testament church as revealed in the Bible.
Dr. Dan Seely (Missions Pastor at Colonial Baptist Church) and his wife Karis have been a part of Colonial for more than 20 years. Shortly after they were married in 2000, they moved to Hampton Roads for Dan to study at VBTS. While working on his M.Div., Dan served for one year as a pastoral intern at Colonial. Read more....
Dr. Seely can be contacted at .
Michael Carlyle is a missionary with Baptist Mid-Missions in Cambodia, where he has served for more than 10 years. Prior to his calling to ministry, Michael was a sales and marketing manager at a large supplier to the automotive industry in Detroit, MI. Michael’s current ministry focus is on pioneer evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in Cambodia’s rural provinces. He also publishes tracts and teaching materials in Khmer, the Cambodian language. Michael has taught mission at seminaries both in the United States and abroad. He earned his MBS and MDiv degrees from Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, and he has a DMin degree in progress at Bob Jones University. Michael and his wife, Julie, have four daughters and three grandsons.
Michael can be contacted at
10% – Attendance/Videos and Participation
10% – Discussion Forum Interaction
30% – Reading
25% – Evangelism Paper
25% – Mission Paper