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Introduction to the Military Chaplaincy is an introduction to the history, culture, benefits, challenges, and opportunities of the Military Chaplaincy. Regardless of the apparent impossibility of gaining entry to “restricted access nations and institutions,” the Great Commission remains in effect. We must go, and we must trust that God will make a way. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Guardians and Marines serve in “restricted access institutions” that currently allow some US Citizens to serve Christ as Military Chaplains. This course will offer potential Military Chaplains a fundamental understanding of and practical guidance for Military Chaplain Ministry. The Chaplain is fundamentally a missionary in a unique culture. He is a Pastor in Uniform.
As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to a) recognize and explain the history, culture, benefits, liabilities, and opportunities of the Military Chaplaincy; and b) gain practical and contemporary guidance from currently serving Military Chaplains. 3 credit hours.
Capt. Steven Brown has served at VBTS as an adjunct professor in military chaplaincy since 2013, when he retired from 33 years of Active and Reserve chaplaincy in the Navy and Marine Corps. Capt. Brown serves full-time as the President of Associated Gospel Churches (AGC), which currently endorses 100 active duty and reserve military chaplains. Capt. Brown earned his degrees at Bob Jones University (BA, MA, MDiv, DD), Trinity International University (MRE), and Southern California Seminary (DD). Read more....
Capt. Brown can be contacted at
25% – Reading
50% – Writing Project
25% – Interview Project