Experience the classroom at VBTS.
History of Expository Preaching is a survey and analysis of the history of preachers and preaching from the first century to twenty-first century. As a result of attending the lectures, participating in class discussions, and completing the assignments, the student will be able to: 1) comprehend the ministry of preaching throughout church history, 2) analyze the significance of the ministry of preaching by others in order to improve his own current ministry, and 3) research one significant preacher in order to analyze his historical ministry in light of the student’s contemporary ministry. 4 credit hours
Dr. Michael Windsor serves as the Professor of Church History and the Director of Library Services at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He is a member of the original VBTS faculty and has served at the seminary since its first classes in 1996. Before coming to VBTS, Dr. Windsor ministered for 16 years as a pastor in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Dr. Windsor earned his academic degrees at University of Wisconsin-River Falls (BA, MA), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (MLIS), and Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis (MDiv, ThM, ThD). Read more....
Dr. Windsor can be contacted at .
Listen to Dr. Windsor's Sermons
Dr. Andre Gazal currently serves as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Montana Bible College in Bozeman, MT. He has also taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Previously, he was professor of historical and systematic theology at Northland International University in Dunbar, Wisconsin, and academic dean of Eucon International College in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands. Dr. Gazal ministered as interim preacher at Dunbar Community Bible Church in Dunbar, Wisconsin.
A specialist in the English Reformation, Dr. Gazal has served as the assistant project editor for the Reformation Commentary on Scripture. He is the author of Scripture and Royal Supremacy in Tudor England: The Use of Old Testament Historical Narrative and editor of Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church. Most recently he published Believer’s Baptism in Cromwellian Ireland: Thomas Patient and his Doctrine of Baptism. Dr. Gazal earned his academic degrees at Asbury College (BA), Reformed Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (PhD).
Dr. Gazal can be contacted at .
50% – Reading (2500 pages)
*Students will select and read one of the two-volume sets listed in the required textbooks section. The rest of the reading will be elective reading on the topic.
50% – Research Project (30–35 pages)
*Students will conduct original research on one significant preacher, analyze his historical ministry, and draw conclusions in light of the student’s own current ministry.