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Hermeneutical Systems examines the foundational principles that distinguish dispensational and nondispensational hermeneutics. The identification of these foundational principles enables students: 1) to answer the question of why systems of theological thought diverge from each other hermeneutically, 2) to learn how to conduct a hermeneutical self-critique. The Course is taught from a dispensational perspective..
The following are the learning outcomes for this course: a) students will distinguish the strengths and weaknesses found in a side-by-side comparison of differing hermeneutical systems; b) students will identify the foundational hermeneutical principles that separate dispensational from non dispensational systems; and 3) students will review major biblical themes in terms of continuity and discontinuity. 3 credit hours.
Dr. Thomas Dailey is the Professor of New Testament at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has served at VBTS since 1999 in various roles as the Instructor of New Testament, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology and Exegesis, and Associate Professor of New Testament. He received his MDiv from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, his ThM from Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, and his PhD from Clark Summit University. Read more....
Dr. Dailey can be contacted at
15% – Course Reading
15% –In-Class Observations
35% – Midterm Exam
35% - Final Exam
[Attendance is taken into account]
15% – Video Requirement
15% –Course Reading
10% – Online Posts
30% – Midterm Exam
30% - Final Exam
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