Hebrew Exegetical Method 2


Spring 2025 | 3 Credit Hours

This course prepares the student for independent exegesis of the Hebrew text. It emphasizes techniques involved in the use of language tools, procedures in lexical word studies, and examination of grammatical and syntactical phenomena. Course materials and assignments related to select Hebrew Bible texts include the study of the following subject areas relating to Hebrew exegesis:

  • Principles of translation
  • Context analysis; Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) and biblical backgrounds
  • Syntactical analysis—Hebrew grammar and syntax
  • Lexical analysis—Hebrew philology, semantics, and lexicography
  • Literary analysis—OT literary devices, structure, and forms; consideration of various OT genres
  • Wrap-up of exegetical process

As a result of successfully completing this course, the student will be able to

  • Demonstrate a mastery of basic Hebrew vocabulary.
  • Translate Hebrew texts from the major literary types with use of standard aids.
  • Syntactically analyze Hebrew phrases and sentences.
  • Exegete a Hebrew text within its context.
  • Demonstrate an ability to research and explain a key issue in OT studies.

Prerequisites: Hebrew Grammar 1 & 2 and Hebrew Exegetical Method 1.

Professor Scott Bashoor is the Associate Professor of Old Testament at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary.  Read more....

Professor Bashoor can be contacted at

10% – Lexical Paper
20% – Bible Translations
15% – Textbook Reading
15% – Syntactical Worksheet
20% – Synthesis and Exposition Paper
20% – Syntactical Paper