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Greek Exegetical Method 1 focuses on two major elements of the exegetical process: textual criticism and syntax. Textual criticism is the process by which the original wording of the Greek NT is determined. Syntax is grammar applied to word relationships, and how those relationships change the meaning that words have in isolation. Subsequently, syntax moves beyond word level analysis (morphemes and morphology) and focuses on phrases and clauses. The course will utilize 1 John as a practice text to apply the skills learned in the course.
Students giving requisite attention to the course requirements and actively participating in the course discussions, translation, and vocabulary, will:
1) Master vocabulary words that occur 25 or more times in the Greek NT.
2) Understand the significance of the following syntactical topics: a) Functional categories associated with the Greek case system; b) the impact of E. C. Colwell and Granville Sharp on definiteness and identity respectively; c) the distinction between Aktionsart and verbal aspect; d) the use of Aktionsart terminology associated with the Greek verbal system; and e) the diverse functions related to the Greek participle and infinitive.
3) Develop greater proficiency in reading the Greek NT (specifically John’s Letters) including assessing the textual witnesses found in the textual apparatus.
3 credit hours. Prerequisites: Greek Grammar 1 & 2
Dr. Thomas Dailey is the Professor of New Testament at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has served at VBTS since 1999 in various roles as the Instructor of New Testament, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology and Exegesis, and Associate Professor of New Testament. He received his MDiv from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, his ThM from Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, and his PhD from Clark Summit University. Read more....
Dr. Dailey can be contacted at
10% – Reading
25% – Translation and Syntax
20% – Vocabulary
15% – Textual Criticism
30% – Syntax Quizzes
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