Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Fall 2024 | Resident & Online | 3 credit hours
Romans is a required Bible Exposition course for all M.Div and M.B.S. students. Its necessity lies in the fact that it is the New Testament’s clearest statement on the Gospel of God. This course will examine the purpose, structure and content of this Letter. Special attention will be given to the background and occasion of the Letter, which is imperative for a proper understand of the Letter’s argument. Particular emphasis will be given to Paul’s understanding of the Law in light of the grace of Christ. Finally, this course is designed to prepare each student to communicate this Pauline letter accurately and authoritatively in either a classroom or pastoral setting. (3 credit hours.)
As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to demonstrate a command of Paul’s understanding of the Gospel of God and its attendant core themes. The student will exit the class with a deeper working knowledge of the Romans Letter which will allow him to identify the reason Paul wrote the Letter, and the structure of the Letter which Paul uses to pursue his theme for his readers. The class is designed to both interact and evaluate the exegetical conclusions of Douglas Moo, which will strengthen the student’s comprehension of the Romans argument.
Dr. Daniel Davey is the President and Professor of Bible Exposition at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has taught students and led the seminary since 1995. In 2015, after 33 years of pastoral ministry at Colonial Baptist Church, Dr. Davey resigned from the senior pastorate to focus his full-time efforts on the presidency of Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. Dr. Davey earned his academic degrees at Liberty University (BA), Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis (MDiv), Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM), and Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis (ThD). Read more....
Dr. Davey can be contacted at
30% – Reading Moo and (8) one-page evaluations of Moo reading [8 discussion board questions for online students]
20% – Paper #1: The Purpose of Romans (7–8 pages)
20% – Paper #2: The Meaning of Paul's phrase "righteousness of God" (7–8 pages)
20% – Paper #3: Paragraph of student's choice from the epistle (7–8 pages)
5% – Reading the English text of Romans five times
5% – Reading Report of Additional Reading (200 pages for the 3 research papers including 2 journal articles for each paper)