Experience the classroom at VBTS.
Fall 2020 | Wednesdays 9:00a–12:15p | 3 credit hours
Exegesis in the Synoptic Gospels is a Greek exegetical class designed to acquaint the student with the distinct character of the first three Gospels. The primary emphasis in the course will involve working through the Greek text of Mark’s gospel in order to establish a foundational presentation of Jesus’ life and teaching. Upon that foundation, a secondary emphasis will involve discerning the exegetical significance that arises from comparing and contrasting the synoptic presentations of parallel texts.
Upon completion of this course, the student will a) identify exegetical features that are particularly related to conducting exegesis in the synoptics; b) evaluate the profitability of the traditional historical-critical approach to the study of the synoptics; c) gain familiarity with the use of the Synopsis of the Four Gospels through the analysis of multiple pericopae; and d) formulate a synthesis of the synoptic parallels in order to highlight a particular tendency found in Mark’s presentation of the teachings and deeds of Jesus.
Prerequisites: Greek Grammar 1 & 2 and Greek Exegetical Method 1 & 2
Dr. Thomas Dailey is the Professor of New Testament at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He has served at VBTS since 1999 in various roles as the Instructor of New Testament, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Associate Professor of Biblical Theology and Exegesis, and Associate Professor of New Testament. He received his MDiv from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, his ThM from Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, and his PhD from Clark Summit University. Read more....
Dr. Dailey can be contacted at
20% – Reading the Gospel of Mark
10% – Reading Bird, Jesus is the Christ
15% – Reading Strauss, Mark
20% – Exams
20% – Analysis of a Synoptic Pericope
15% – Synoptic Synthesis