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4 credit hours.
Dr. Roger DePriest serves as the Faculty Associate in Biblical Counseling at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary; Dr. DePriest has taught in an adjunct role for the seminary since 2000. He has been in full-time ministry for nearly 40 years, serving 20+ years in pastoral ministry (first as a youth pastor and then as a pastor/church-planter), more than twelve years in jail and prison ministry (first as Chaplain and then as Regional Director), and in 2012 he founded Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry of Virginia Beach, Virginia, where he currently serves as the Executive Director. Dr. DePriest earned his academic degrees at Cedarville University (BA), Talbot Theological Seminary (MA), and Clark Summit University (PhD). Read more....
Dr. DePriest can be contacted at .
Listen to Dr. DePriest's Sermons
Dr. Kyle Dunham is the Associate Professor of Old Testament at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in Allen Park, Michigan. Prior to coming to DBTS, Dr. Dunham served from 2011–2016 as the Associate Professor of Old Testament and Registrar at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. Previously he was adjunct professor at The Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California, and at Northland International University in Dunbar, Wisconsin. He also has assisted with a church plant in Bakersfield, California, and has taught various Bible studies and seminars in Michigan, California, Kenya, and southeast Asia. Prior to this, he served as an associate pastor in upstate New York and as a short-term missionary in Ecuador.
Dr. Dunham’s areas of expertise include the kingdom of God, ancient Near Eastern theodicy, the book of Job, and Israelite wisdom literature. He has recently published a monograph on the role of leading counselor Eliphaz in the book of Job in light of ancient Near Eastern theodicy literature. He is currently researching and writing a co-authored commentary on Ecclesiastes in the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary Series. Dr. Dunham earned his academic degrees at Baptist Bible College (BS), Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv, ThM), and The Master's Seminary (ThD).
Dr. Dunham can be contacted at .
The requirements for Expository Preaching of OT Wisdom & Poetry have not yet been defined.
The required textbooks for Expository Preaching of OT Wisdom & Poetry have not yet been determined.